Domestic Field Study
Field study programs or courses of the University of Georgia must be approved by the Office of the Vice President for Instruction. Students will be required to travel to destinations within the United States that are remote to the campus of origin. Travel may include tours of museums, archaeological digs, geological or wildlife field sites, etc. where the site constitutes an important resource for instruction. A course that requires only minimal short distance field trips does not qualify.
Approved course work or programs of study taught at locations other than the main University of Georgia campus in Athens. Such sites must be approved for instruction but are not required to be a part of a recognized resident center. Overnight travel may not be required, but the school or college will incur additional costs not typically associated with on-campus instruction, e.g., instructor transportation expenses. To start your Domestic Field Study Planning application, click the button below:
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If you have already started working on Domestic Field Study Planning documentation by clicking the button above, you can find instructions to continue your existing application by clicking the button below:
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